
Beside EsportsEdu work Karl has also done this

Introduction to code

Minecraft Education - MakeCode

School of Gaming Suomi


While working at School of Gaming Suomi, Karl did a textbook to introduce both Game educators as students to the art of code, Minecraft MakeCode. Except the code, Karl has also done all the illustrations.

With this book Karl tried to make a proper introduction to code and code thinking before dig into something heavier and more advanced.

Introduction to code

Minecraft Education - MakeCode

School of Gaming Suomi


While working at School of Gaming Suomi, only the textbook wasn't enough. Karl also did the teacher's guide to use the textbook's content.

The guide can be described as a walkthru to the textbook's chapters

Project: A Product!
School of Gaming Suomi


At School of Gaming Karl created and designed a two year education path including curriculum, sequence plans, lesson design, badges plus aim, scope and goals.

When Karl got his notice of resignation he got informed this his work must be archived in favor of a new product.

Bakom kulisserna

En liten bok på amatörnivå hur en bild blir till

Författare: Karl Ögland

Medförfattare: Fredrik Svensson

The Foamboard Diorama Crafters

This is a book on amateur level how I and my art colleague Fredrik Svensson build our dioramas in foamboards and create art.

With the book we like to show the work behind a photograph that might get 6-8 likes on social media. But also the work we put into our art to create the pictures we do!