
From the very start of our Esports in education journey at Yrkesinstitutet Prakticum we tried to connect Finnish research to our Esports program to have it evaluated. Evaluation are the part where students have contacted us to do their bachelor's or master's and where we have provided - via active networking - interesting paths to dig into.

Mirka Tukia

Master Thesis

Electronic Sports in education. Students’ experiences of the eSports – course’s impacts on lifestyle and wellbeing.

"The aim of this study is to present the students’ experiences of the electronic sports course organized in Yrkesinstitutet Prakticum. The aim was to research how the students felt the course had affected their lifestyle and wellbeing. Point was also to clarify how the students saw healthy lifestyle as a part of electronic sports."

Simo Sorviala

Master Thesis

Motivational aspects of digital games

"This thesis’s main goal is to examine vocational school students’ motivational reasons to play digital games and to see, what keeps them playing those games. Another goal was to examine what kind of learning they have experienced and how they would use those games in education."

Eemeli Otsonkoski


Stress Management Skills in Students Undergoing Elective Course in Electronic Sports at Yrkesinstitutet Prakticum

"The purpose of the thesis was to explore the causes of stress in an elective course in electronic sports at Yrkesinstitutet Prakticum, the symptoms of stress in students, their stress management methods and how stress and mental coaching have been addressed in the course. The aim was to yield information for the teaching staff on the students’ stress management skills and how they can be better approached in teaching and planning the course. Yrkesinstitutet Prakticum can use the study results to develop their elective course in electronic sports."

Zacharias Planting

Karsten van Breemen


How physical exercise affects e-atheletes in-game performance.

"The purpose of this study is to find out if physical exercise has a positive impact on the CS:GO in-game performance. One of our ambitions of this thesis is that various e-sport organizations could take into consideration the importance of physical activity. Our work aims at developing endurance capability, reaction capability and eye-hand coordination to find a correlation to possible in-game changes."

Jaana Manner
Marina Saloranta
Martin Tuppurainen


E-sports students’ occupational balance.

"The aim of the thesis is to examine the occupational balance of the e-sports students. Sports school Prakticum offers education for future professional e-sports players, including information on physical education, mental coaching, ergonomics, rest, team spirit and being goal-directed. Unhealthy lifestyles and challenges in life management occur among the students according to the teachers and instructors in the esports program. The occupational balance, a central frame of reference in occupational therapy, means a person’s subjective experience of their balance between different activity categories, such as work, rest, sleep and leisure. Time use and the person’s satisfaction with it is also a part of the occupational balance."